Most Common Complaints of Applicant Tracking Systems
June 17, 2016
As the technology advances, several complex and time-consuming processes are simplified to make things easier. One such application is the Applicant Tracking System, which is used by the hiring managers to simplify their selection process. But then, the recruiters go through some common complaints that stand as an obstacle in their process.
Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is one of the systems many organizations prefer to have for hiring candidates and other application related process. Although systematic, it also misses many aspects especially when it comes to hiring software and staffing software which needs proper research and should addressed as soon as possible in the best possible way.
Error Message
A sudden error blocking further filling up of application costs time and leads to the loss of patience of the applicant. Error message is common and irritating issue which needs to be looked at.
Section-wise long process
The section-wise long process of this system makes people lazy as the process of going from one page to other and one screen to other is lengthy and slow process. This process can be fixed easily but the developers of this system are not looking at this aspect. As soon as this issue is looked upon, this system will start becoming more user friendly than it is now.
Non-user friendly
The software of many of these systems is having glitches for both side of hiring. Applicants face problems while applying whereas recruiters face problems while recruiting due minor and major software issues which are not easy to solve without an expert who knows it in and out. So people should stay aware of it before having it as online recruiting is not that simple as all expect.
Growing distance between customer and support system
Organizations with these systems think these systems as so perfect system that they don’t focus on its customer support which makes the matter more tensed and irritating for the customers preferring it who don’t know how to get going when they have an issue and the customer support. So, one should always prefer to have a system with the best customer service.
There are many complaints regarding these systems so, customers should buy it after a proper period of trial when you must access it properly and fully. These issues are very common like slow, not user friendly, data management which should be addressed so that it becomes more accessible in an efficient way by the customers.