The Human Resource Software
December 7, 2018
Communication and Staffing goes Hands in hands via the Human Resource Software
When you are focused to hire the right person for the right job at the right time, you should also remember to communicate with the candidate at perfect intervals. There is a famous quote which says like “Out of Sight, out of mind”. When there is a breakdown in conversation with a person, then gradually he is lost from our connection. Similarly, to communicate with the candidate is one of the crucial steps to be followed in staffing.
Nowadays, people around the world are competing among themselves to exist. In this competitive world, obtaining an opportunity is too hard to be hired.
The Human Resource Software – ATS
We know that ATS is a software which is used to track the applications of the candidates. However, the software enacts like a tool for Public Relation with the candidate.
The Human Resource software is designed wherein the email templates, automatic stage-specific Triggers and all type of communication are stored and stacked digitally and systematically.
The Purpose
The small size and medium size employers deploy the staffing software which effects and develop the connection with the Job Seekers. The employer gets the opportunity to hire the best, once the employer communicates earlier. Going silent for a longer time, delay in response and inclined messaging put an end to the hiring of the correct person! Along with the advancement and development of technology the online recruitment had attracted various companies to deploy to maintain the directory of the candidates who are looking for the job.
The Reasons
As per some trusted sources, it seems the unemployment in India is almost 6 percent nationally. However, it is hard to find an employer because they are very few in number. Economics had explained, The Supply and demand as inversely related. The same thing is applied to the recruitment process.
There are 3 reasons which would help us to understand the requirement of staffing software deployed in the middle and smaller companies.
Prevention of the miscommunication – This seems to mitigate and prevent the risk by building proper rapport amongst the recruiter and the candidate. We are very much aware of no one waits for anyone else, because of the competitive market. Currently, this is not the market of the employer. Once the candidate is selected or connected, proper follow up should be taken care off, to prevent to lose the right candidate.
Nominating the brand ambassador – Especially the HR and recruitment teams bears the role of the Brand Ambassador. The breakdown of conversation and impersonal skills in between the two parties, which affects by losing the right candidate
Respect, if the person deserves– the candidates should be respected and must be treated accordingly. This needs to be ensured that all the tools and processes are in place.