Things which recruiter do not like to see in a resume
April 7, 2016

Composing the resume should be done with proper care since it is the key to your interview. There are many factors which recruiters do not appreciate on any resumes. Ensure that you avoid the common blunders that many make which we have mentioned here. The hiring process is very technical and hence you’re approach to it should also be similar.
Writing a resume can be tricky as a lot of things depend on a well written resume. However, understanding what a recruiter might want is a difficult job indeed for many candidates. It entire depends on the perspective and the likings of the recruiter what they would like to see in a resume and what would no be appreciated. However there are few universal mistakes that every recruiter do not like to see while candidate selection. Here we are going to provide you examples of the mistakes that many candidates makes so that you can avoid them at all cost.
When you do have some achievement that is truly noteworthy, it is entirely a different matter but when you mention every little certificate and medals and trophies that you have ever won in life and that too, which are not remotely associated with the job you are asking for, the resume is likely to be considered a trash by the recruiters.
Obscure information
So you have provided details of your degrees from the under graduation and post-graduation levels but have not mentioned anything about your university or the exact type of course that you had pursued. It can be sheer forgetfulness, but to a recruiter this lack is clarity would appear to be carelessness. Such obscure information on any career portal is considered very unprofessional by every recruiter.
Be precise and highlight skills that are essential
Depending on the type of job that you are applying for, you should highlight the skills accordingly. Make sure that you are very precise in the language that you use and never lapse in the formal tone of the resume while you write it. Also follow a proper chronology and format of the resume while you make it.
many references
While references and recommendations are essential packing the resume with half a dozen recommendations from many people whose references are rather unnecessary also hamper the hiring-process. Make sure the resume has just the references from the right people and that too a couple of them at most.
Author: AppliView