Major Recruiting Mistakes and Tips to Avoid Them - Appliview

Major Recruiting Mistakes and Tips to Avoid Them

July 1, 2016

Recruitment Process


Recruiting mistakes are common while the hiring process in on its high. But a little concentration to the major ones can enhance the efficiency of the process and helps you achieve better results. List some common mistakes that can happen during the process and check if you have avoided them. All it takes is some time.

We all know that online recruitment is tough! Many employers nowadays prefer recruitment consultancies for this time-consuming process, which makes it clear how badly recruitment mistakes can effect. Let’s face it! The following advice is designed to help you avoid some major mistakes and it certainly works. Listed are some fairly avoidable mistakes:

The Perfect Candidate

This term is something that leaves the first crack. In reality, only a very few candidates match every requirement on your list and the chances that all of these eligible candidates apply to the job is not possible always. Instead, try training the candidate whose profile manages to check out a considerable number of points on your need list.

Employer Branding Matters

Employer branding is as important as marketing as people nowadays do a fine research about potential employers. Organizations with strong employer brands attract most of the potential candidates and can reduce the cost per hire. The companies need to be engaging and clear, and their employer brands are expected to be on point.

Handling the Rejection

A career portal can bring you more number of applicants and there comes this rejection and feedback session. A wrong/no move might move can affect your company’s employer brands. All the interviewed candidates should be given a feedback even if the candidate is no longer being considered for the position. This should be made mandatory everywhere and done for the sake of the company’s brand.

The Interview Part

Sometimes, hiring managers depend only on the interview part during the candidate selection. In the same, considering only the skills and experiences, and failing to engage effectively with the candidate and shooting lame known question helps you effectively in choosing the wrong candidate as people now are prepared for those set of questions. Get to know the candidate more but don’t overdo it!

These mistakes might sound familiar. Prepare yourself to overhaul these simple, major mistakes during the hiring process. Pressures on budgets and time put on the HR mean that it can be tempting for organizations to cut corners when recruiting, but this rarely pays off in the long run. Then, again this hiring software helps. Try integrating your process with ATS, which can make your screening and the rest of the process simpler. Match the exact profiles with the recruitment software.

Author: AppliView Technologies